The titles, dates and registration links are below. (Go to this calendar for updated links)
- MindShifts in Teacher Initial Education and Teacher Professional Development in the Digital Era Timezone 06 March 19:00 – 11:00 (CET) Registration link Timezone 2 17:00-19:00(CET) Registration link
- AI & the complexity of data ethics in education 13 March 930 – 11:30(CET) Registration link
- OECD Teaching and School compass in a VUCA (Complex world with Andreas Schleicher OECD Director 15 March 10:00-12:00 (CET)
- Student teachers’ views on the future-oriented teacher education curriculum 17 March 10:00-12:00(CET)[TBC] Registration link
- Project Infinity Workshop I: Strengthening the ecosystem for student, teacher and school well-being 18 March 2:45-3:30 (CET) (time tbc) Registration link
- Induction session for newcomers and launch of OECD Framework alignment paper 19 March 10:00-12:00 (CET) Registration link
- Student well-being at School 27 March 15:00-16:30 (CET) Registration link