ISHN Comment: Although the broader analysis is useful to measure the overall daily PA among young people, the continuing focus on the quantity of PS rather than the quality is troubling. It has been refreshing to see the shift in PA sector back towards fundamental movement skills rather than counting minutes of activity during the school day. (This article continues that quantity-based thinking by suggesting more walking to school.) while more PA is always health promoting, schools should be focused more on knowledge, skills and attitudes that can be carried into life rather than counting steps or minutes. Further, much of the quantity-based thinking suggests light PA activities (such as walking to school), which actually do not mean the guideline of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity. Measuring acquired skills is a better measure. What might be even better for schools to address is attitudes. Do school-based activities and PE classes actually increase or decrease student enjoyment of PA?
Read more in the journal article.